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In Depth Review on Light Scattering Techniques for Characterization of Protein, Polymer, Macromolecule, and Nanoparticle

Suparno Suparno and Khafidh Nur Aziz


The characterization of polymers, proteins, macromolecules, and nanoparticles is becoming more crucial for various industries such as pharmaceuticals, medicine, cosmetics, food, surfactants, printing, and coatings. Although light scattering techniques for characterization of colloidal particles pose a lot of advantages, our knowledge in this area is still limited. Hence, numerous researchers squander resources by utilizing a variety of instruments, each with its own limitations, instead of opting for light scattering techniques. This review fills this void by providing an extensive study of eight various light scattering methods to demonstrate the simplicity of understanding the theory, ease of constructing instruments, speed of measurements, affordability of operation, and versatility. The review includes Rayleigh scattering (RS), Rayleigh-Gans-Debye scattering (RGDS), Mie scattering (MS), laser diffraction, photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), laser doppler electrophoresis (LDE), phase analysis light scattering (PALS), and laser amplified detection (LAD). The theory and equipment for each method are examined, emphasizing the identification of key factors like molecular weight, particle size, and surface charge. These factors are crucial for monitoring the purity, uniformity, and stability of products, while also keeping track of particle interactions, aggregation, and sedimentation. By gaining deeper insight into the characterization of colloidal particles and a broader understanding of light scattering techniques, readers can increase their expertise in this area, stop wasting resources on many other instruments, and start using light scattering for their colloidal particle characterization.

Published on: October 25, 2024
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2024-132
Citation: Suparno S, Aziz KN. 2024. In Depth Review on Light Scattering Techniques for Characterization of Protein, Polymer, Macromolecule, and Nanoparticle. NanoWorld J 10(2): 29-40.

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