A reinforced concrete structure may be subjected to four basic types of actions: bending, axial load, shear, and torsion. All these actions can, for the first time, be analyzed and designed by a single united theory based on the three fundamental principles of mechanics of materials: namely, the stress equilibrium condition, the strain compatibility condition, and the constitutive laws of concrete and steel. Because the compatibility condition is considered, this theory can be used to reliably predict the strength of a structure, as well as its load-deformation behavior. Pure torsion appears when exterior forces acting perpendicular to the reinforced axis produce only moments of torsion acting along the bar axis. Circulatory torsion induces shear stresses on all four sides and would be well resisted by closed form reinforcement. Therefore, strengthening either in the form of retrofitting techniques or in the form of closed encasement has the objective that completely enclosing the cross section will be more effective. An experimental study is concentrated on addressing the torsional capacity and twist of reinforced concrete beams with and without encased welded wire mesh utilized to enhance torsional capacities with their various concerned parameters. Test results were discussed based influence of welded wire mesh (WWM) on cracking, ultimate torsion capacity as well as pre-cracking and post-cracking stiffness with their failure modes. However, in the review of nanotechnology, the inherent properties, viz., homogeneity, compatibility, and bonding strength, of the composite materials in concrete composites are developed up to the micro-size level. But when the study progressed to a nano-sized level, it could be possible to enhance the chemical and ultimately physical properties of concrete composite materials.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2024-s1-048
Citation: Mane VV, Patil NK, Katdare AD, Jadhav PJ, Tiware VS, et al. 2024. An Experimental Torsional Behavior of Normal Grade RCC Beams Containing Encased WWM Wrapping Patterns and the Future Outlook with Nanotechnology. NanoWorld J 10(S1): S270-S278.