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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Exploring the Interplay of Air Pollution, CO2 Emission, Energy Consumption, and Health Risks in Nanotechnology Applications

Subramaniam Saranya Sree, Dr. Chinnasamy Agamudainambhi Malarvizhi and Subramaniam Swarna Kamala


This research examines the interconnections between nanotechnology and its impact on air pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, energy consumption, and potential health risks associated with nanomaterials and nanotechnology applications. The study investigates the complex relationship between these factors, with a focus on understanding their implications for sustainability and human health. Furthermore, the integration of nanomaterials in renewable energy technologies, including biomass, solar, wind, hydropower, and geothermal energy, offers opportunities for improving energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions, and overall energy consumption. However, it is crucial to address the potential health risks associated with nanomaterials. The unique properties of nanomaterials can pose challenges to human health, including respiratory effects, skin and eye irritation, toxicity concerns, and long-term unknown effects. In this study, will apply the unit root test, Johansen co-integration test, VECM, and Granger Causality Test for secondary data to examine the correlation between the variables. In conclusion, this review highlights the importance of sustainable practices in nanotechnology. It emphasizes the need to strike a balance between the benefits of nanotechnology and considerations for environmental impact, energy efficiency, and human health. Collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders is crucial for establishing effective guidelines, regulations, and standards to promote the safe and sustainable growth of nanotechnology.

Published on: March 18, 2024
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2024-s1-033
Citation: Saranya Sree S, Malarvizhi CA, Swarna Kamala S. 2024. Exploring the Interplay of Air Pollution, CO2 Emission, Energy Consumption, and Health Risks in Nanotechnology Applications. NanoWorld J 10(S1): S188-S193.

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