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Recent Developments in Anion Sensing Navigated by Thiourea-based Ligands: A Review

Adeeba Khan, Palak Dawar and Suranjan De


The Multifunctional organosulfur compounds, such as thioureas and their derivatives, demonstrate numerous applications in biology, chemistry, and nanotechnology. The thiourea unit contains sulfur and nitrogen atoms, which exhibit nucleophilic characteristics and contribute to hydrogen bonding between a wide range of molecules, including various ionic species. The thiourea functional unit is useful as a chemosensor because of its distinctive chemical structure, which enables it to sense a variety of environmental contaminants. The several thiourea compounds and their synthetic analogues that are employed as sensitive and reliable fluorometric and colorimetric chemosensors are covered in this review article. Thioureas are mainly used to identify various cations, anions, as well as different neutral analytes. In biological, environmental, and agricultural environments, these applications are relevant. This review also describes and investigates the anion detecting capacities of thiourea-based chemosensors in detail. These discoveries may lead to the creation of advanced organic colorimetric and fluorescence sensors for the tracing of anions and neutral analytes. It is our aim that this thorough investigation encourages fresh ideas that eventually result in the development of chemosensors that are incredibly efficient, precise, and sensitive. The detection of many analytes in the disciplines of biology, chemistry, nanoscience, the environment, and agriculture could be considerably improved by these developments.

Published on: December 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-081
Citation: Khan A, Dawar P, De S. 2023. Recent Developments in Anion Sensing Navigated by Thiourea-based Ligands: A Review. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S505-S517.

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