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Fluorescent Giant Clusters with Myriad Applications

Mamta Sahu, Mainak Ganguly and Priyanka Sharma


The synergistic evolution of highly emissive giant clusters thiolated AuI core– (Ag2,3) shell has been proven to be of immense importance due to their myriad applications. The long-term emission stability (excitation energy 400 nm, emission maximum 560 nm and quantum yield 5%) of Ag2,3 clusters has been found due to the drift of electron density from silver to gold. Usually, clusters, the missing link between nanoparticles (NPs) and atoms, are < 2 nm in size with less stability. However, thiolated AuI core-(Ag2,3) shell giant clusters have a diameter of ~ 600 nm. They have been so stable that they have been obtained in various solvents (along with water) and even in solids for months. Such clusters have been biocompatible (MTT assay) with remarkable antibacterial properties. Antibacterial cotton and paper were designed by impregnating the clusters. In addition, selective detection of toxic pollutants (with nanogram level limit of detection) and cancer cells have also been observed. Depending on the synthetic protocol (e.g., photo-chemical, green-chemical, modified hydrothermal, etc.), the variation of properties and applications have been noted.

Published on: December 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-080
Citation: Sahu M, Ganguly M, Sharma P. 2023. Fluorescent Giant Clusters with Myriad Applications. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S496-S504.

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