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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Simulation of NiOx Based Solar Cells Using SCAPS Software

Arya Krishnan and T.D. Subash


In this paper, the SCAPS simulator is used to study an n-i-p NiOx (Nickel oxide) based solar cell. This paper proposes a NiOx based solar cell with perovskite, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) as four layers and its performance has been studied, using a simulation program called SCAPS-1D software (Solar cells capacitance simulator). Solar cells are widely investigated and used for power generation because of their low manufacturing costs and high conversion efficiencies. NiOx is one of the most promising inorganic hole transport layers for perovskite solar cells (PSCs) due to its low cost, excellent hole mobility, and superior stability, so they are used. TiO2 is a low cost and nontoxic photocatalyst. In the visible range, ZnO is a highly conductive thin film with exceptional transparency. The ZnO thickness layer and temperature of cells were evaluated in depth based on the device structure and fabrication method. It has been suggested and numerically simulated to use a planar, regular design with devices configured as NiOx/perovskite/TiO2/ZnO. Thickness, an essential absorber layer material parameter, has been altered for examining their impact on device performance. Additionally, the impact of changing temperatures on photovoltaic (PV) performance has been investigated. With a maximum power conversion efficiency of 22.11%, an open-circuit voltage VOC of 1.3 V, a short circuit current density JSC of 19.44 mA/cm2, and a fill factor (FF) of 85.25%, the most optimized device performed the best and I-V characteristics of the structure observed.

Published on: December 22, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-028
Citation: Krishnan A, Subash TD. 2023. Simulation of NiOx Based Solar Cells Using SCAPS Software. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S143-S148.

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