SAR (Successive approximation register)/Flash ADCs (Analog to digital converters) are the most important circuits used in a wide range of applications such as image sensing, data storage, ultrasound image, neural recording, wireless communication systems, serial link transceivers, industry healthcare, biosensing, and sensor networks and sensor readout circuits in Internet of Things. Dynamic comparators having ultra low kickback noise and power consumption, high speed, good power efficiency, excellent reliability, low offset voltage, supreme area efficiency, rail to rail output swing are the heart of these SAR/Flash ADCs. The noise/glitches, power consumption, speed and reliability of these comparators depends on VDD and temperature variations. Here, we report the performance comparison of single-stage strong ARM, two stage double tail and three stage triple latch feed forward dynamic comparators under wide VDD/temperature variations implemented with 16 nm CMOS.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-035
Citation: Rahul B, Kumar VR, Kumar AP, Varun CS, Shashank R, et al. 2023. Reliability Study of Highly Sensitive Nanoscale Dynamic Comparators Over a Wide Range of VDDs/Temperatures for Future Flash/SAR ADCs. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S180-S185.