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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Polarization Dependence of Excitonic Emission from As-rich Single InAsxP1-x Quantum Dot Embedded in Free-standing InP Nanowire

Suman Mukherjee, Katsuhiro Tomioka and Junichi Motohisa


Position-controlled MOVPE (metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy) growth of free-standing InP nanowire (NW) with embedded InAsx P1-x quantum dots (QD) having a large As composition is reported here. Impression of exciton and bi-exciton emission from individual InAsx P1-x QD has been confirmed by microphotoluminescence (μ-PL) measurements of single standing NW-QD and by studying the excitation intensity dependence of the PL-spectra. Fine structure spitting of exciton emission confined in As-rich QD has been quantitatively determined from polarization dependent μ-PL measurements of single standing NW-QD heterostructure.

Published on: December 22, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-040
Citation: Mukherjee S, Tomioka K, Motohisa J. 2023. Polarization Dependence of Excitonic Emission from As-rich Single InAsxP1-x Quantum Dot Embedded in Free-standing InP Nanowire. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S202-S205.

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