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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Performance Evaluation of Nanoscale Gate Engineered AlN/GaN Recessed T-gated HEMT with Fe-doped Buffer for Future Power Electronic Applications

B. Mounika, J. Ajayan and Sandip Bhattacharya


GaN-HEMT (high-electron-mobility-transistor) power electronic applications require threshold voltage (Vth) controlling for safe operation. Electrical aspects including OFF-state leakage current, Vth, and forward operating current, all rely greatly on the work function of the gate metal (ϕm). In this paper, we examined the influence of ϕm variation (the design factor that supports normally off operation) on the electrical properties of recessed T-gated AlN/ GaN HEMT with AlGaN (Fe-doped) buffer. The simulation results show that the highest gate metal (GM) of 441.78 mS/mm, the peak ID of 1.002 A/mm, and high fT of 336.28 GHz is recorded for Mo-gate HEMT. As the values of ϕm are raised, then the Vth of the HEMT progressed in the right direction. This trend of Vth can be ascribed to the uplift of the conduction band (CB) in proportion to the increasing ϕm values. The findings imply that gate-engineering can be used to produce depletion-mode (D-mode) and enhancement-mode (E-mode) AlN/ GaN HEMTs at sub-100 nm regimes, enabling fail-safe future generation power electronics.

Published on: December 22, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-026
Citation: Mounika B, Ajayan J, Bhattacharya S. 2023. Performance Evaluation of Nanoscale Gate Engineered AlN/GaN Recessed T-gated HEMT with Fe-doped Buffer for Future Power Electronic Applications. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S132-S136.

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