In perovskite solar cell (PSC) research fields organic-inorganic lead halide planar architectures are becoming popular as they are useful and workable for tandem structure easier fabrication process and low temperature processability. The commonly examined charge transport materials are organic for planar or inverted planar cells, as it affects from poor conductivity, poor chemical stability, and higher processing cost. In order to get better of the limitation of organic equivalent leads towards advancing regards in applying solution processed inorganic metal oxide transport layers up to definite level. Here in lead-based PSC structure and lead-free based PSC, studied about the achievement of electron transport materials ZnO (zinc oxide) and NiOx (Nickel oxides) as hole transport material (HTM). The open circuit voltage (VOC), short circuit current (JSC), fill factor (FF) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) are thoroughly analysed. The aim of this paper is to presents a comparison between methyl ammonium lead iodide (CH3NH3PbI3) based PSC structure and inorganic Cs2TiBr6 based PSC structure with NiOx is used as a hole transport layer and ZnO is used as an electron transport layer. To study the performance of both the PSC structure, a simple but comprehensive ID simulation is used.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s5-021
Citation: Jeepa KJ, Subash TD, Samy JWK. 2023. Comparing the Performance of Lead-based and Lead-free Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell Using SCAPS-1D. NanoWorld J 9(S5): S106-S108.