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Enhancing AI Device Security and Efficiency Through Nanotechnology in Cybersecurity and Cloud Integration

K. Deekshita Reddy, G. Pavani Reddy, T. Sai Nandan Reddy, B. Ajay Yadav and Ramesh Karnati


The Internet of Things (IoT) has critical repercussions for the transport sector. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are intended to improve everyday jobs such as freight transportation, traffic patterns, and the flow of wares. AVs are not constrained to motorized targets; they further comprehend airborne and naval automobiles with a scope of requisitions. To label this issue, we are utilizing data transfer to artificial intelligence (AI) devices based on cyber security (CS). In this respect, the pseudo-cloud acts as a go-between, securely transferring files from the sender to the self-driving automobile. To increase security, we leverage the CS-based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) algorithms to encrypt data being transported into cipher text. Using the secret key produced by the sender for that particular AVs, the cipher text could be decoded.

Published on: December 01, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-071
Citation: Reddy KD, Reddy GP, Reddy TSN, Yadav BA, Karnati R. 2023. Enhancing AI Device Security and Efficiency Through Nanotechnology in Cybersecurity and Cloud Integration. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S421-S426.

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