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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Enhancement in Mechanical Properties of Al-7175/SiC/ B4C Composite

Ganesh Dasari, Naresh Kumar Sarella, Venkateshwar Reddy Pathapalli, Seshappa Angadi, Srinivasa Rao Pittam, Govardhan Dasari, Vishnu Vardhan Mukkoti and Hardik Joshi


Machining the growth of the manufacturing sector has led to an increased utilization of aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMCs). These composites have gained significant interest worldwide, particularly in the automotive, architectural, and aerospace sectors, due to their exceptional mechanical and tribological properties. AMMCs exhibit high specific strength, improved strength to-weight ratio at high temperatures, and superior wear resistance compared to the matrix phase alone. To enhance the metallurgical and mechanical properties of the base matrix, various types of particulate reinforcements such as SiC (silicon carbide), Al2O3 (alumina), B4C, TiC, and ZrSiO4 are employed. To fabricate AMMCs, authors have employed different manufacturing processes including solid-state techniques like powder metallurgy and liquid-state processes such as stir casting, compo-casting, squeeze casting, and in-situ casting routes. Among these methods, stir casting is the most cost-effective and straight forward approach for producing AMMCs. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of the process involved in fabricating AMMCs using Al-7175 as the matrix material, with B4C and SiC as the reinforcements, via the stir casting process.

Published on: November 30, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-065
Citation: Dasari G, Sarella NK, Pathapalli VR, Angadi S, Pittam SR, et al. 2023. Enhancement in Mechanical Properties of Al-7175/SiC/B4C Composite. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S379-S388.

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