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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Post-buckling Analysis of Circular Plates Using Finite Element Method and Intuitive Formulation

Venkata Ramana Reddy Devarapalli, Tholasi Balaram Padal Korabu, RK Gupta and Jagadish Babu Gunda


This work applied an iterative Finite Element Method (FEM) and an intuitive formulation to the post-buckling analysis of isotropic circular plates. A straightforward iterative finite element formulation has been employed to take into account geometric non-linearity of the von-Karman type. The numerical value for the circular plate with immovable end considering clamped and hinged end boundary conditions is obtained and compared using a standard available FEM formulation and accuracy of Intuitive formulation is discussed for immovable ends of circular plate based on FEM numerical results. The plate produced radial stress because of moderately huge deflection is evaluated by using the converged FEM numerical results and radial tension variation across the radius of the circular plate with various boundary conditions is briefly summarized for various plate boundary conditions considered.

Published on: November 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-045
Citation: Devarapalli VRR, Korabu TBP, Gupta RK, Gunda JB. 2023. Post-buckling Analysis of Circular Plates Using Finite Element Method and Intuitive Formulation. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S262-S266.

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