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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Fabrication and Evaluation of a Natural Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Composite Material

Vishnu Vardhan Mukkoti, Ananth Subramani, Deepak Kolar, Dhanraj Buragalla, Ramadevi Dungavath, Harshtih Basipangu and Milan Sanathara


This work presents a new alternative to fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) by modelling and fabricating a bamboo fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) utilizing a standard weave of bamboo fibers incorporated within an epoxy matrix. The BFRP was represented by a unit cell model made up of a pair of parallel fibers braided perpendicularly in a matrix. A simulation of the tensile test was used for analysis. In order to make the results simpler, periodic boundaries was used. Tensile tests were performed on fabricated BFRP samples, and the findings were compared to those from simulations. The price of energy of manufacturing BFRP was computed and contrasted with the energy price of manufacturing FRP. This actual amount is far lower, and it serves as the primary inspiration for this effort.

Published on: November 27, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-032
Citation: Mukkoti VV, Subramani A, Kolar D, Buragalla D, Dungavath R, et al. 2023. Fabrication and Evaluation of a Natural Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Composite Material. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S181-S186.

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