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Experimental Investigation on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Hybrid Composite Materials for Ballistic Armor Application

Karthik Krishnasamy, Subramanian Kolappan, Sampath Muthukumarasamy, Mohan Andi, Sunil Bishwakarma and Kanniyappan Subramani


Recently the industries are in need for lightweight materials with high strength for specific applications. In this project are used three synthetic fibers which are Kevlar, carbon and glass fiber and fabricated two different sample laminates. The fibers are fabricated using hand lay-up process and among the two samples in one consists of EPE (Expanded polyethylene) foam which we included to increase the thickness and the other is without the EPE foam. The samples are fabricated in the sequence of fiber starting with kevlar then carbon which is followed by glass fiber, here in the sample with foam we used two EPE foam sheets and fabricated them in between two sequential layers of fibers. We used mechanical and microstructural characterization in which the tensile test, flexural test, DMA (Dynamic mechanical analysis) test, and SEM (Scanning electron microscope) analysis are performed and the results obtained for the same. The application of the fiber laminates prepared is for ballistic armor where the three fibers will be useful in ways like reducing the weight, increasing the strength and also performance of the armor while preventing a bullet from penetration into the human and saving the life in due process.

Published on: November 24, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-024
Citation: Krishnasamy K, Kolappan S, Muthukumarasamy S, Andi M, Bishwakarma S, et al. 2023. Experimental Investigation on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Hybrid Composite Materials for Ballistic Armor Application. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S133-S138.

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