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Condition Number Analysis of 3RRR Planar Parallel Manipulator by Varying Link Lengths

Shaik Himam Saheb


Robot manipulators are categorized into parallel and serial manipulators based on their kinematic structure. Serial manipulators typically have less load transportation capabilities compared to parallel manipulators. The 3RRR planar parallel robot manipulator is considered in this paper. The 3RRR manipulator has three actuated joints and six passive revolute joints base platform is connected to the moving platform with three serial chains, with the kinematic relations the Jacobian matrix is derived. The condition number is the ratio of highest singular value to the lowest singular value. The condition number analysis plays a major role while selecting the best pose of end effector. By varying the link lengths, the condition number of the manipulator is calculated. This condition number serves as a measure of sensitivity to changes in the manipulator’s input parameters. The plotted results are compared for different lengths and the best link size is estimated.

Published on: November 23, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s4-001
Citation: Saheb SH. 2023. Condition Number Analysis of 3RRR Planar Parallel Manipulator by Varying Link Lengths. NanoWorld J 9(S4): S01-S07.

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