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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Optimizing Tribological Performance of AA5128/SiC/AlN Hybrid Metal Matrix Nanocomposites by Taguchi Technique

Rashmi Koingody Ravindranath, Patricio Abarca, Juan Cayán, Agiladevi Sivaprakash, Vinay Hiralal Singh, Gajanan Chandrakant Upadhye and Mayakannan Selvaraju


Hybrid AA5128/SiC/AlN metal matrix nanocomposites with titratable SiC and AlN and a fixed AA5128 content may be fabricated via ultrasonic-assisted stir casting (in increments of 0.6 from 0 to 3%). Tribological characteristics of produced composites are evaluated at room temperature using a pin-on-disc (POD) device. The tribological behaviour of nanocomposites is investigated using Taguchi approach to determine how process factors affect the outcome. Taguchi method experiments were designed using the L18 orthogonal array, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to determine the best variables to control the process. According to the results of the experiments, A-composition (81.57%) has the greatest impact on wear rate (WR), subsequent by B-applying load (16.29%), C-sliding velocity (1.72%), and D-sliding distance (0.42%). The composition of the material has the greatest impact on the coefficient of friction (COF) (58.27%), subsequent by the sliding velocity (30.38%), the sliding distance (6.71%), and the applied load (3.85 %).

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-176
Citation: Ravindranath RK, Abarca P, Cayán J, Sivaprakash A, Singh VH. 2023. Optimizing Tribological Performance of AA5128/SiC/AlN Hybrid metal matrix nanocomposites by Taguchi technique. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S999-S1004.

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