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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Experimental Study on the Rate of Material Removal from Novel Hybrid Composites Made of Al7075/5%B4C + 2%Mg and Al7075 Alloy using wire Electrical Discharge

S. Subikshan and P. Thamizhvalavan


This study compares the removal rates of the new boron carbide and magnesium reinforcement materials with and without the Al7075 alloy. Al7075 alloy served as the main component of the matrix, and magnesium and novel boron carbide served as reinforcement. At 720 °C and 500 rpm, the Al7075 alloy was stir cast to guarantee uniform reinforcement distribution. There were 20 samples in each group, an 80 percent pretest power, a 0.05% beta, and a 95% CI. In this study, MRR is found through the difference between the workpiece’s initial and final weights in grams. These results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups, with a P value of 0.000 (P < 0.05). The casting voids caused the MRR of Al7075 to achieve its maximum for the same process parameter within the study’s constraints. The casting voids caused the MRR of Al 7075 to achieve its maximum for the same process parameter within the study’s constraints. It was concluded from the results that Due to casting voids, the MRR of Al7075 is maximal at the same process parameter.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-192
Citation: Subikshan S, Thamizhvalavan P. 2023. Experimental Study on the Rate of Material Removal from Novel Hybrid Composites Made of Al7075/5%B4C + 2%Mg and Al7075 Alloy using wire Electrical Discharge. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S1088-S1092.

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