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Examining the AA7475 + ZrN + Fly Ash Reinforcement Composite CNC Machining Material Removal Rate Using High Speed Steel and Novel TiAlN Coated WC Tools

Doddala Nitheesh and P. Thamizhvalavan


By contrasting two different types of tools on the reinforcing composite (Lightweight material AA7475 + ZrN + fly ash), the goal of this work is to develop a good MRR. The novel material AA7475 + ZrN + fly ash manufactured by stir casting technique. The casted composite was pre-processed for removing surface irregularities and did workpieces for CNC machining. 16 were determined to be the necessary sample size for each group, therefore the same procedure was followed. For green production (dry machining), the spindle rotational speed (m/min), depth of machining (mm), and feed level (mm/rev) at four levels in 16 different combinations. MRR comparison of the functionality of high speed steel (HSS) and TiAlN coated WC tools on machined surfaces. With the use of SPSS software, the MRR of samples was statistically evaluated by group. The p value for these results is 0.000 (p < 0.05), indicating that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. This demonstrates that the observations are statistically independent and made without violating any rules. In comparison to samples prepared with HSS tools, samples prepared with WC tools coated with TiAlN have a higher mean material removal rate. Within the limits of this investigation, TiAlN coated WC tool yields higher MRR than HSS tool.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-150
Citation: Nitheesh D, Thamizhvalavan P. 2023. Examining the AA7475 + ZrN + Fly Ash Reinforcement Composite CNC Machining Material Removal Rate Using High Speed Steel and Novel TiAlN Coated WC Tools. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S842-S846.

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