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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Evaluation of Metal Removal Rate of 356 Reinforced SiC/Gr Hybrid Composite by Novel Encapsulate Technique During CNC Turning

Calvin Samuel and Natrayan L


The research is to track and analyze changes in the material removal rate (MRR) for the A356 when utilizing high speed steel coated inserts, as well as to compare the results to those obtained using non composite material and composite material. In this study, the A356 was used, which has a length of 20 mm and a diameter of 25 mm. There are two groups in this study: experimental (A356 samples turned with composite material) and control (A356 samples turned with non-composite material). For a total of 40 responses, the sample size is computed to be 20 per group. The metal matrix composite is added with a weight fraction of silicon carbide (SiC) of 5% and graphite (Gr) of 5% in the novel encapsulated base metal A356 are casted in the stir casting machine. are compared with both composite cased material and non-composite cast material. The work focuses mostly on the analysis of hardness mechanical properties. Only a few surface flaws with fine grain size were observed in stir casting process at a furnace temperature of about 600 ºC to 750 ºC (600, 644, 675, 700), and the enhanced hardness is higher than A356 aluminum about 100 percent as cast base metal accordingly. The goal of comparing the hybrid metal matrix with the as cast metal hardness data was to see how they compared. The usefulness of the unique encapsulation approach to manufacture composite matrix materials with superior qualities than current ones for automotive piston material applications is demonstrated by our findings.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-160
Citation: Samuel C, Natrayan L. 2023. Evaluation of Metal Removal Rate of 356 Reinforced SiC/Gr Hybrid Composite by Novel Encapsulate Technique During CNC Turning. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S902-S906.

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