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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Evaluation of Izod Impact Strength of Novel Pineapple Fibre Composite Laminate with and without the Reinforcement of Aluminium Wire Mesh

MV. Hyvanth and T. Sathish


Using an izod impact strength tester, this study aims to evaluate and analyze the impact resistance of innovative pineapple fiber laminates with and without aluminium wire mesh reinforcement. Experimental groups are done using novel pineapple fibre reinforced with Aluminium wire mesh of grade (pineapple/ aluminium/pineapple/aluminium/pineapple). The control groups are done using novel pineapple fibre without reinforcement of Aluminium wire mesh. The drilling operation will use an AlTiN coated drill bit, which was specifically chosen for the task. Feed rate (mm/rev) and cutting speed (m/min) are the input variables. With 80% of total G power, the sample size is calculated to be 40 individuals (20 per group). This research conducted as per ASTM D256-10 standard. The Izod impact strength value for both control and experimental group are determined in this research SPSS software was used to do the statistical analysis, and after plotting the graphs, a significance threshold of p=0.000 (p < 0.05) was determined. Regarding the scope of this investigation, novel pineapple fibre laminate reinforced samples with Aluminium wire mesh composite exhibits Izod impact strength of and the samples without Aluminium wire mesh composite exhibits Izod impact strength.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-183
Citation: Hyvanth MV, Sathish T. 2023. Evaluation of Izod Impact Strength of Novel Pineapple Fibre Composite Laminate with and without the Reinforcement of Aluminium Wire Mesh. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S1038-S1042.

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