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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Enhanced Thermal Properties of TiC Nano-Powders through Deep Cryogenic Treatment: A Comparative Study of Conductivity and Diffusion

Hemlata Ganvir, Vidyadhar Pujar, Rajanish Muddaiah, Rathinam Ramaswamy, Shanawaz Patil, Satishkumar Palanisamy and Seenivasan Soundararajan


In this investigation, deep cryogenic treatment (DCT), which may be used on materials below to temperatures ranging as -199 °C, is used to cool TiC nanopowder (n-TiCp). To evaluate the differences between cryo treated and untreated TiC in thermal diffusion, scientists can use the flash technique. The thermal conductivity of n-TiCp is also being studied quantitatively. DCT significantly improves n-TiCp thermal conduction by 47% and its thermal diffusion by 34%. The thermal conduction of TiC/ Water nanofluid (WNF) is also computed. Both untreated and cryogenically treated TiC nano powder benefit from being dispersed in water, as shown by the results. Rapid Brownian motion makes tiny particles great heat conductors.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-158
Citation: Ganvir H, Pujar V, Muddaiah R, Ramaswamy R, Patil S, et al. 2023. Enhanced Thermal Properties of TiC Nano-Powders through Deep Cryogenic Treatment: A Comparative Study of Conductivity and Diffusion. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S889-S895.

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