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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Enhanced Machining Rate and Surface Finish in CNC Green Machining of Unalloyed Carbon Medium Steel (EN8) using an Innovative AICrN Coated WC Tool and an Uncoated High Speed Steel

Pandikunta Lokesh and T. Sathish


To better the machining rate and surface smoothness of unalloyed carbon medium steel (EN8), This study compares Novel chromium aluminum nitride-coated WC tool to uncoated HSS tool for CNC GM. This study made use of a 20 mm diameter by 50 mm long EN8 steel rod. Using normalization at 650 °C and annealing at 840 °C, EN8 steel was successfully processed. After heating to this point, hardening can be achieved by quenching in oil or water. Each group had 32 tests, including 16 members and 16 more as outliers. Each rod from the control group (unalloyed EN8 steel) and the experimental group is subjected to a control turning operation to determine the surface finish. The software G Power 3.1 is used to determine an 80% G power, and The combined sample size for the groups is 32. This research intends to analyze and compare the efficiency of an HSS tool, and a Chromium Aluminum Nitride coated WC tool. This is achieved by analysing the cutting settings and measuring the finding Surface irregularities values for all samples. An MRR of 350 mm3/min was used for the turning process, and the cutting force and power were found to be significantly affected by the depth of cut (62.31 percent and 60.72 percent, respectively). A Roughness value of 24.252 characterizes the surface. Using a Chromium Aluminum Nitride coated Tungsten carbide tool in CNC machining is one way to reduce surface roughness compared to a HSS tool. The p values for both the SR and MRR, at p = 0.020 and p = 0.025, respectively, are less than 0.05, as shown by the outcomes of the T test. The surface roughness and MRR of EN8 medium carbon steel were optimized using the response of Chromium Aluminum Nitride within the scope of the experiments. The collected data demonstrated that the MRR is mainly influenced by feed rate, spindle speed, and cut depth. Turning with an MRR was achieved by setting the spindle speed to 500 RPM, the feed rate to 0.4 mm/rev, and the depth to 0.2 mm.

Published on: November 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-153
Citation: Lokesh P, Sathish T. 2023. Enhanced Machining Rate and Surface Finish in CNC Green Machining of Unalloyed Carbon Medium Steel (EN8) using an Innovative AICrN Coated WC Tool and an Uncoated High Speed Steel. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S857-S863.

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