The primary focus of the research is to examine the efficacy of a new cryogenic machining method in terms of tool wear while machining of Monel alloy and compare this with the results obtained from a dry machining process. For this study, two groups were formed i.e. control group (Dry machining) and the study group machining with cryogenic machining Technique. The number of samples is calculated using the sample calculator. Twenty samples were taken for each group. In the control group, the machining operation is carried out on monel without any kind of lubrication. In the study group using a novel cryogenic machining technique, the compressed lubricant is applied to the area where machining was performed. The wearability of the tool inserts of each group is measured by microscopic images. An investigation into the tool wear rate of the inserts is conducted to study the impact of the novel cryogenic machining technique. The wear rate of the tool insert of the samples from novel cryogenic machining is lesser than the samples obtained from the dry machining operation. Through this study, there is an 30% reduction in tool wear rate when the cryogenic machining technique has been implemented over dry machining. The cryogenic machining technique is a promising technique to achieve sustainable production.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-190
Citation: Vinay M, Kumar BN. 2023. An Investigation on Impact of Novel Cryogenic Machining on Tool Wear in Milling of Monel in Comparison with Dry Machining. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S1075-S1081.