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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Performance of Hybrid Nanocomposite Material Leaf Springs Subjected to Drop Weight Impact Test

Ganapati Ramavat, Mukuloth Srinivasnaik, Lidia Castro Cepeda, Andrés Noguera, T. Sathish, Mayakannan Selvaraju and V. Vijayan


In the present scenario, nanocomposite materials are widely used in automobile applications replacing traditional materials. Weight reduction without compromising the functional requirements is addressed in this article. One of the vital elements in the automobiles is leaf spring suspension system. This paper describes the replacement of conventional metallic leaf springs, with that made of composite materials with a proper and adequate lay-up (structure). The dimensions of conventional leaf spring (commercial) trucks are used to construct and manufacture the die. The constant cross-sectional area of three leaves (assembly) of composite materials reinforced with the fiber of glass, carbon and a mixture of both were fabricated by using hand lay-up techniques. The fabricated composite leaves were exposed to a low-velocity impact, a possible simulation of load tyre interaction. For testing the composite leaf springs with low-velocity impact, test-setups were made in the laboratory, framed with loading set-up. The flexural deflection due to different drop weights is the criterion for relative performance. Apart from all kinds of investigation, the nanocomposite leaf spring outperformed at the 300 mm drop test and it was recommended.

Published on: November 02, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-141
Citation: : Ramavat G, Srinivasnaik M, Cepeda LC, Noguera A, Sathish T, et al. 2023. Performance of Hybrid Nanocomposite Material Leaf Springs Subjected to Drop Weight Impact Test. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S803-S808.

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