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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

A Comprehensive Review on Optimization of Process Variables for CNC Milling

Ganapati Ramavat, Omprakash Beedalannagari, Shashwath Patil, Fredy Romero, Freddy Ajila, Abhinav Singhal and N. Vasudevan


Computer numerical control (CNC) milling is a typical manufacturing technique that involves removing material from a work piece using a computer controlled cutting tool to create a desired shape. The optimization of process variables for CNC milling is important to attaining the necessary quality and efficiency of the operation. This review article aim is to analyze the impact of various process factors on CNC milling performance. The research applies multiple optimization approaches to discover the best process parameters for machining performance. To establish the importance of each process parameter and their interactions, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach is applied. It was discovered that optimizing process parameters reduced machining time and tool wear while enhancing surface smoothness and dimensional accuracy. The research gives useful insights into the optimization of process variables for CNC milling, which may benefit manufacturers in improving milling efficiency, quality, and productivity.

Published on: November 02, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-138
Citation: Ramavat G, Beedalannagari O, Patil S, Romero F, Ajila F, et al. 2023. A Comprehensive Review on Optimization of Process Variables for CNC Milling. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S786-S791.

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