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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Improved Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics in AA5052-Nano Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Nanocomposites by Ultrasonic Cavitation Casting

Barun Haldar, S. Vinodh, B. Deepa, Mayank Choubey, S. Kiruba, Tenepalli Jaisai and P. Satishkumar


Ultrasonic cavitation was used to cast AA5052-nano silicon carbide (nSiC) metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs) for this research. With the addition of nano silicon carbide particles (nSiCp) to the AA5052 matrix, the material’s hardness, tensile strength, and impact resistance were all considerably improved. The addition of nSiCp to AA5052 increased its strength and hardness without decreasing its elasticity or impact absorption. The AA5052 composite containing 2.4% volume of nSiCp showed the greatest improvement in strength, at almost 124% greater than the standard alloy. The composite with 3% volume of nSiCp exhibited the highest hardness, which was another important discovery. After incorporating 2.4% nSiCp, the composite lost some of its pliability and impact resistance as a result of the particles clumping together. Wear resistance qualities of AA5052-nSiC composites were found to be superior to those of monolithic AA5052s in dry sliding wear pin-on-disc tests.

Published on: November 01, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-132
Citation: Haldar B, Vinodh S, Deepa B, Choubey M, Kiruba S, et al. 2023. Improved Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics in AA5052-Nano Silicon Carbide Metal Matrix Nanocomposites by Ultrasonic Cavitation Casting. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S745-S751.

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