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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Impact of Nano Silicon Carbide Particles on Mechanical and Wear Properties of Pure Aluminum/Hemp Fiber Composites

Muniyandi Tholkapiyan, Srinivasan Raju, Manikandan Padmanabhan, Arunbharathi Ramaswamy, N. Saravanan and Mayakannan Selvaraju


Hybrid composites made of aluminum (Al) are a relatively novel type of metal matrix composites that show promise for meeting the needs of cutting edge technologies. Therefore, pure Al alloy reinforced with nano silicon carbide (SiC) particles is employed to meet the demanding requirements of cutting edge applications. Pure Al/nano-SiC composites under varied nano-SiC volume fractions have been stir cast with 14 wt.% hemp fiber to improve the mechanical and wear properties of Al hybridized composites. Composites comprising nano SiC particles reinforced with pure Al and 14 wt.% hemp fiber has been examined for its impact on physical characteristics, mechanical properties, and wear rates. Improvements in mechanical characteristics and wear behavior are evaluated quantitatively. Analyses showed that the Al/14% nano-SiC/14 wt.% hemp fiber composite had a hardness (BHN) of 20.1%, an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 49.56%, a yield strength (YS) of 49.24%, an elongation percentage (EL) of just 3.75%, a compressive strength (CS) of 13.5%, and a wear rate (WR) of 48%.

Published on: November 01, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-128
Citation: Tholkapiyan M, Raju S, Padmanabhan M, Ramaswamy A, Saravanan N, et al. 2023. Impact of Nano Silicon Carbide Particles on Mechanical and Wear Properties of Pure Aluminum/Hemp Fiber Composites. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S721-S727.

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