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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Investigation on the Impact of Nickel and Silica Nanoparticles on B20 Fuel Mixtures with Biodiesel to Improve Combustion Efficiency and Reduce Emissions

Jayasree Seshadhri, Ahmed Hussein Alawadi, Jasmin Mohamed Mohideen, Hariharan Ravi, Ibrokhim. B. Sapavev and Saravanan Thiyagarajan


The radiation, flame temperature, and emissions characteristics of an oil furnace powered by biodiesel mix fuel including energetic and non-energetic nanoparticles (NPs) in suspension were examined in this work using a comparative experimental technique. While silica (SiO2) was selected for its non-energetic characteristics, nickel NPs were used as energetic NPs. A homogeneous mixture of NPs was added to the B20 blend fuel at a concentration of 520 ppm in a diluted form. A further step involved heating the fuels in an oil burner. Temperature, brightness, and total radiation profiles, as well as nitrogen oxides (NOx ) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions were recorded from the flame. Evidence suggests that the two NPs accelerate the rate of fuel droplet evaporation and shift the upstream flame temperature peak. Furthermore, in biodiesel mixed fuel, the energetic nickel NPs raise the peak flame temperature while the non-energetic silica NPs lower it. Furthermore, both NPs enhance the nucleation and growth of intermediate soot particles. Fuels containing suspended particles enhance flame emissivity and increase the fraction of intermediate soot particles. Total flame radiation, infrared radiation, and visible light are all intensified. It is possible to raise the average flame radiative flux by 30% and 15% by adding energetic nickel NPs and non-energetic silica NPs to nano biodiesel blend fuel, respectively. Using non-energetic silica NPs reduces NOx emissions by 12% while adding energetic nickel NPs to B20 gasoline decreases them by 14%.

Published on: October 30, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-117
Citation: Seshadhri J, Alawadi AH, Mohideen JM, Ravi H, Sapaev IB, et al. 2023. Investigation on the Impact of Nickel and Silica Nanoparticles on B20 Fuel Mixtures with Biodiesel to Improve Combustion Efficiency and Reduce Emissions. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S637-S641.

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