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An Experimental Study on Check of Flexural Strength of M30 Concrete Using Seashell Powder and Eggshell as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Comparison with Conventional Concrete

Pasupuleti Jaswanth and Ganesan Ramachandran


Aim: The project’s objective is to compare the flexural strength of seashell and eggshell-based powder M30 concrete with that of traditional concrete.
Method: There are two groups taken into account. Group 1 consists of powder M30 concrete made of eggshells and seashells, while group 2 is made of regular concrete. There are 18 samples in each group, for a total of 36 sample sizes. With the aid of SPSS software, the sample count was determined. A load gauge’s flexural testing machine was used to measure the specimens’ strength after they had been cured for 28 days. The standard mean of the specimens’ strength is their flexural strength.
Results: Independent sample t-test was for significant difference observed for strength. The mean flexural strength of a conventional concrete sample is 12.57 N/mm2, whereas the mean flexural strength of a seashell and eggshell-based powder M30 concrete sample is 14.47 N/mm2. T-test and G-power in an unrelated sample is 80%, and the p-value is 0.000 (p – 0.05). This demonstrates that the two groups taken into account in this study differ statistically significantly from one another. The standard mean analyzed from the SPSS software was 12.5689 for conventional concrete and the seashell and eggshell based powder M30 concrete was 14.4744.
Conclusion: The seashell and eggshell based powder M30 concrete had more flexural strength when compared to the conventional concrete.

Published on: October 27, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-111
Citation: Jaswanth P, Ramachandran G. 2023. An Experimental Study on Check of Flexural Strength of M30 Concrete Using Seashell Powder and Eggshell as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Comparison with Conventional Concrete. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S610-S613.

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