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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Experimental Investigation on the Compressive Strength of 6% Novel Polypropylene Monofilament Fiber as Additive in Concrete with Conventional Concrete

Avula Siva Rami Reddy and Priya Rachel Paul Manoharan


Aim: This study’s goal is to contrast the compressive strength of newly developed polypropylene monofilament fiber-reinforced concrete to that of conventional concrete with a 6% replacement rate.
Methodology: to increase the concrete’s compressive strength, 6% polypropylene monofilament was used in place of a certain amount of cement. The specimens were divided into two groups. Each group includes 18 different specimens. Pretest power is calculated at 80%. 6% of polypropylene monofilament was replaced in concrete by the weight of cement. A compressive strength test was carried out as per ASTM standards using a cube specimen on dimensions 150 x 150 x 150 mm.
Results: Using a compression testing machine with a 2000 kN capacity, the compressive strength of the specimens were determined after 28 days of curing at room temperature. Novel polypropylene monofilament fiber-reinforced concrete exhibited a compressive strength of 37.8728 N/mm2 compared to conventional concrete of 34.3311 N/mm2 . A t-test with an independent sample was used to examine the outcomes. The novel polypropylene monofilament fiber-reinforced concrete standard deviation for 6% replacement with concrete was 2.30693. With a significance value of p = 0.000, there is a statistically significant difference between the two study groups (two-tailed, p < 0.05).

Conclusion: With the partial replacement of novel polypropylene monofilament fiber-reinforced concrete in cement, the characteristic compressive strength of concretes specimen is greatly enhanced as compared to conventional concrete.

Published on: October 26, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-106
Citation: Reddy ASR, Manoharan PRP. 2023. Experimental Investigation on the Compressive Strength of 6% Novel Polypropylene Monofilament Fiber as Additive in Concrete with Conventional Concrete. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S585-S589.

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