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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Revolutionizing Polyester Composites Using Synergistic Effects of Flax Fiber and Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles

Vettrivel Arul, Eugenia Naranjo, Shrinwantu Raha, Lidia Castro Cepeda, Miguel Escobar, Alugoju Uday Kumar and Venkatraman Vijayan


In recent years, researchers have shifted their focus from traditional metals and alloys to composites in the search for lightweight, highly functional materials. Glass fibers are more durable, cost-effective, and fireproof than natural fibers. The effect of silicon oxide (SiO2) on the mechanical and physical properties of woven polyester reinforced composite is investigated. I weight ratio of SiO2 nanoparticle filler, II fiber content, and III fiber diameter were used in the manual construction of nanocomposites. Nine composite samples are manufactured and evaluated in accordance with the ASTM standard using the L9 (33) orthogonal design. Studies show that hybrid composites made from 6% SiO2 powder and 20% flax fiber (with a diameter of 0.4 mm) have exceptional mechanical strength. The mechanical properties of virgin polyester are enhanced by the addition of fiber. More work was required to crack the matrix and resin bond as the percentages of fiber and filler increased. The material’s tensile strength (TS) went up 14.76%, its flexural strength (FS) went up 14.07%, and its hardness went up 25.55%.

Published on: October 11, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-059
Citation: Arul V, Naranjo E, Raha S, Cepeda LC, Escobar M, et al. 2023. Revolutionizing Polyester Composites Using Synergistic Effects of Flax Fiber and Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S317-S323.

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