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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Enhancement of Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AA5128 with Nano Boron Carbide Particulates Using Ultrasonic Cavitation Assisted Stir Casting Technique

Eugenia Naranjo, Arularasan Palanisamy, Jayanthi Narayanaswamy, Vimalanathan palanikumar, Balamurugan Annamalai, Mayakannan Selvaraju and Vijayakumar Vignesh Kumar


In this research, ultrasonic cavitation assisted stir casting was used to nano boron carbide particles (nB4Cp) into the matrix of AA5128 at weight percentages of 0%, 0.6%, 1.2%, 1.8%, 2.4%, and 3.0%. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to analyze the distribution of the reinforcing particles throughout the material. By adding 1.8% nB4Cp, the nanoparticles began to aggregate and no longer distributed uniformly was found. An increase in mechanical characteristics was seen after adding 1.8% nB4Cp, and this increase was followed by a decrease. With only a 1.8% nB4Cp addition, AA5128 is able to boost its tensile strength, micro-hardness, elongation percentage, impact strength and corrosion rate by 189.24%, 49.65%, 50.79%, 74.35%, and 40.16% compared to pure AA5128 alloy, respectively. The addition of only 1.8% nB4Cp has been shown to raise the coefficient of friction by 15.33%, resulting in a 28% increase in wear resistance. The characteristics tend to degrade when more than 1.8% by adding nB4Cp, as the nB4Cp particles begins to cluster, reducing the material’s effective surface area.

Published on: October 11, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-055
Citation: Naranjo E, Palanisamy A, Narayanaswamy J, Palanikumar V, Annamalai B, et al. 2023. Enhancement of Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AA5128 with Nano Boron Carbide Particulates Using Ultrasonic Cavitation Assisted Stir Casting Technique. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S288-S294.

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