The objective was to compare the use of M30 grade concrete admixture to partially replace coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete with a novel pumice aggregate using conventional concrete. Two groups prepared in 70% cement mixture and instead of 20% silica fume, 10% metakaolin was fixed in this concrete. Novel pumice was used as coarse aggregate and M-sand as fine aggregate. An independent t-test was calculated using 80% G-power. Metakaolin and silica fume are purchased from scientific institutes and novel pumice is arranged from online traders. Results: The group of 18 cubes was formed according to the curing date for 28 days. A total of two groups were prepared and a total of 36 cubes were prepared to find the compressive strength. The independent sample t-test on two groups showed that there was a statistically significant difference with p < 0.000 (p < 0.05). This represents group statistics for a sample group of 20% silica fume and 10% of metakaolin and novel pumice stone as coarse aggregate. mean (34.3311, 36.8061), standard deviation (1.65492, 1.58424), and standard error mean (0.39007, 0.37341). The average M30 grade of concrete at 28 days of compressive strength test result of conventional concrete is 34.33 N/mm2. The M30 Grade of concrete at 28 days of compressive strength test result of concrete with novel pumice stone and partial replacement of silica fume and metakaolin by the weight of cement is 36.80 N/mm2 for average result of group 1 and for 18 cubes. The compressive strength of M30 grade of concrete at 28 days of compressive strength test result of concrete with novel pumice stone and partial replacement of silica fume and metakaolin by the weight of cement is increased in the percentage of 6.67% over the conventional concrete. It shows better results and performance over conventional concrete.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-045
Citation: Ravi B, Thangasamy L. 2023. Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of M30 Grade of Concrete Using Novel Pumice with 20% Silica Fume and Metakaolin Comparing with Conventional Concrete. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S230-S235.