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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Investigation on Material Removal Rate of Composites like Epoxy Reinforced with 5% Fiber and 5% Novel Nano Carbon Particles Made of Peanut Husk During Drilling Process

Pelluri Charan and Dharmalingam Satish Kumar


This study’s primary objective is to compare the material removal rate (MRR) of advanced hybrid epoxy composites reinforced with novel natural fiber (5%) and nano carbon (5%) to plain epoxy. The samples were created utilizing the layup method for both groups. The samples were made in accordance with the requirements, and drilling was done on a vertical CNC machine with an evaluated pretest G-power of 80%. The MRR of the work samples was investigated among the groups using a total of 20 tests (each with one repeat) per group. To assess the material clearance rate, t-independent tests were carried out using the statistical programs SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Sustainable ramie fiber (5 wt.%), nano carbon particles (5 wt.%), and group 1 (75 wt.%) had an average MRR of 0.38145 mm3/sec as opposed to 0.12490 mm3/sec for group 2. (plain epoxy). The mean variance of MRR between groups 1 and 2 is different, according to the results of the t-test statistical analysis (significant at p = 0.00, which is p < 0.05), it is inferred that there exists a significant statistical difference among the two groups under study. From the study, it is evident that using reinforcements like sustainable ramie fiber and nano carbon particles considerably enhances MRR.

Published on: October 04, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-023
Citation: Charan P, Kumar DS. 2023. Investigation on Material Removal Rate of Composites like Epoxy Reinforced with 5% Fiber and 5% Novel Nano Carbon Particles Made of Peanut Husk During Drilling Process.NanoWorld J 9(S3): S123-S126.

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