The aim of this study was to investigate the impact strength enhancement potential of novel bamboo fiber (BF) in jute fiber ( JF) reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composites. Composite materials were prepared using a hand lay-up technique with varying weight ratios of PLA, JF, and novel BF (80/10/10, 70/20/10, 60/30/10, 50/40/10, and 40/50/10 wt.%). The impact strength of the composite materials was tested using a sample size of 20, with 10 samples in group 1 (PLA/ JF) and 10 samples in group 2 (PLA/novel BF/JF), a G-power of 0.8, alpha and beta values of 0.05 and 0.2, and a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results showed that the composite materials with higher loading of novel BF had higher impact strength. The impact strength of the PLA/JF/novel BF composite material was 30.32 J/m, while that of PLA/JF was 23.70 J/m. The study concludes that novel BF improves the impact strength of PLA/JF composite materials, which can contribute to their reusability. This finding has implications for the development of sustainable and durable composite materials for various industrial applications.
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-026
Citation: Mohandas P, Koppiahraj K. 2023. A Comparative Study on Impact Strength Enhancement of Polylactic Acid Composites Reinforced with Jute and Novel Bamboo Fibers. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S135-S138.