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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Comparative Performance Analysis of Novel Single-slope Conventional Solar Still and Solar Still with Al2O3 Water Nanofluids Through Experimental Investigation

Sailash Natrajan and Thirumalai Gopal Sakthivel


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of using Al2O3 (Aluminum oxide) nanoparticles to improve single-basin solar still performance in purifying saltwater into freshwater. The study compares the results of a solar still with and without nanoparticles to determine the influence of nanoparticles on the still’s performance. The results of the investigation should assist in developing more sustainable technology for converting saltwater to freshwater. The research was conducted using two groups: group 1, which used a standard solar still without nanoparticles, and group 2, which used a modified solar still with nanoparticles. A total of 40 samples were included in this research, with 20 samples in each group. The data obtained from the experiments and sample size were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software. Testing was done on the samples in the experimental group and control group, and the results were compared. The samples in the experimental group with nano particles showed higher efficiency than the control group without nanoparticles. This is less than that of the still with ordinary water, and they are much better than carbon nanotubes and other nanofluids. The mean volume of clean water produced by groups 1 and 2 was contrasted using the independent t-test samples. An independent sample t-test was performed on the obtained results using the statistical software SPSS and the significance was ensured by the obtained (two-tailed) test p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) for developing mathematical models to optimize efficiency and increase the cumulative production of pure water. The daily yield, evaporation, and condensation rates of the solar still have significantly increased with the addition of nanoparticles to the base fluid. When introduced to the base fluid, Al2O3 nanoparticles with a 0.3% concentration can boost productivity by up to 33.1%.

Published on: October 03, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-017
Citation: Sailash N, Sakthivel TG. 2023. Comparative Performance Analysis of Novel Single-slope Conventional Solar Still and Solar Still with Al2O3 Water Nanofluids Through Experimental Investigation. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S94-S99.

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