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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Influential Investigation of Alumina Nano-additives on the Alternative Energy Recovered from Waste Materials for Engine Applications

Padmanabhan Sambandam, Yogaraj Dhanasekaran, Ruban Murugesan, Baskar Sanjeevi, Eleni Hailu Abetu, Revathi Venkatachalam and Vijayan Venkatraman


Fossil fuels like crude oil or natural gas must be saved in order to support current economic development. In addition to traditional sources of energy like coal and oil, there are several renewable options available, such as biomass, hydroelectricity, and wind power. Another significant consideration is the use of an effective approach for disposing of garbage. There has been a massive growth in the manufacture of all types of goods, which in turn generates garbage. Plastics have long been a popular material for a variety of products because of their high adaptability and cheap cost. Plastic waste disposal and a lack of conventional fuel are two issues that this article aims to solve in an effort to promote a more sustainable environment. The waste plastic fuel recovered from different grade of waste plastics with alumina (Al2O3) was not investigated for potential use in diesel engines. In this analysis, a combination of 20% plastic fuel with standard diesel forms a base fuel as WME20 blend. Alumina additives at concentrations of 20 ppm, 40 ppm, and 60 ppm were combined with WME20 waste plastic fuel as an alternative fuel source in order to improve the engines’ performance.

Published on: September 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s3-006
Citation: Sambandam P, Dhanasekaran Y, Murugesan R, Sanjeevi B, Abetu EH, et al. 2023. Influential Investigation of Alumina Nano-additives on the Alternative Energy Recovered from Waste Materials for Engine Applications. NanoWorld J 9(S3): S27-S34.

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