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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Thermal Performance Optimization of Hollow Clay Bricks Subjected to Unsteady Conditions

Yassine Chihab, Najma Laaroussi, Mohammed Garoum, Rachid Bouferra, Mohamed Benjelloun and Abdeltif Bouchehma


The Moroccan construction industry accounts for almost 33% of overall energy consumption, showing that it is one of the most energy-intensive sectors. When it comes to the design of buildings in Morocco, the time lag and decrement factor of the walls are generally not taken into consideration, although they are among the aspects that impact energy consumption. For this purpose, this study analyzes the possible benefits of placing insulating materials into the holes of hollow clay bricks, frequently used in Moroccan construction, to increase their thermal inertia. The incompressible Navier-Stokes and energy equations were discretized by employing the finite element method. When all cavities are insulated, the temperature peak is prolonged by nearly 5.5 h, and the decrement factor is decreased by around 50% to a value smaller than 0.1. Moreover, according to the study, closing holes with insulating material reduces the overall thermal load by approximately 53.77%. All used materials are nanoscale materials.

Published on: September 27, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-050
Citation: Chihab Y, Laaroussi N, Garoum M, Bouferra R, Benjelloun M, et al. 2023. Thermal Performance Optimization of Hollow Clay Bricks Subjected to Unsteady Conditions. NanoWorld J 9(S2): S295-S299.

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