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Parametric Study on the Implementation Process Effect on Microstructure of Earth Construction

Ansaa-Asare Rhoda Julia, Erwan Hamard, Andry Razakamanantsoa, Myriam Duc, Bogdan Cazacliu and Loris Verron


The use of earth as a building material is sustainable and conserves cultural character, reduces energy consumption, is environmentally friendly, and provides a healthy and convenient indoor climate. In this paper, cob like and adobe like specimen were produced in the laboratory and the effects of implementation technique on microstructure of the earth specimen are studied. The soils were characterized by the grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, and MBV tests. The earth specimen was produced with and without fiber after which they were dried at 40 °C and conditioned at 20 °C and 50% RH until a steady mass was obtained. The study of the hydromechanical (suction) and microstructural properties (SSA, pore volume) of fibered and non-fibered cob and adobe like earth specimen were carried out using the WP4C dew point potentiometer and with the micrometrics TriStar II PLUS using BET method respectively. The differences in Manufacturing water content (Wm) and compaction energy in the production of earth specimen during the implementation stage is explored in the changes in the microstructure of the specimen. In the presence of fibers, the suction in cob is high due to the high compaction energy in cob implementation. The specific surface area and size of hysteresis is dependent on the type of soil. The addition of fiber maintains or increases the absorbed quantity of nitrogen depending on the technique and type of soil. There is a high presence of mesopores in cob and adobe specimen.

Published on: September 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-039
Citation: Ansaa-Asare RJ, Hamard E, Razakamanantsoa A, Duc M, Cazacliu B, et al. 2023. Parametric Study on the Implementation Process Effect on Microstructure of Earth Construction. NanoWorld J 9(S2): S224-S231.

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