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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Evaluation and Modeling of Flexible Pavement Behavior in Morocco: Crack Initiation Model

Rabab Eddeqaqi, Khadija Baba and Abderrahman Nounah


The most common degradations encountered on the Moroccan network are cracking, rutting, longitudinal evenness, and stripping. Of these four degradations, the last three tend to develop progressively over time. For cracking, the situation is quite different. The first occurrence of this deterioration can only appear when the pavement has been in service for a certain number of years. In this initiation phase of deterioration, cracking first occurs at the bottom of the lower layers. Over time, fatigue cracks initiated below the bound layers propagate upward, and eventually become apparent on the pavement surface. Only from the above can they be observed during inspections. The purpose of this study is to propose a crack initiation model, in order to be aware of structural problems much earlier, and to prevent the crack from reaching the pavement surface.

Published on: September 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-055
Citation: Eddeqaqi R, Baba K, Nounah A. 2023. Evaluation and Modeling of Flexible Pavement Behavior in Morocco: Crack Initiation Model. NanoWorld J 9(S2): S320-S326.

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