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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Energy Performance Study of Passive Cooling Technique Applied to the Roof of a Test Cell in Marrakech Climate

Abdessamad El Hassnaoui, Lahcen Boukhattem, Siham Sakami, Fatima Ait Nouh and Brahim Benhamou


This work aims to investigate the inactive cooling technique effect on the thermal comfort of buildings by constructing two identical test cells in semi-arid climate of Marrakech, Morocco. The first cell was kept as reference cell (bare roof), while the second one was covered on its roof with 40 mm layer of white gravel. A dynamic mono-zone model was also created in the TRNSYS 18 software and validated against experimental data obtained from the two test cells, and using external climatic condition measured by a meteorological station installed near the two studied test cells. The chosen period was from 31 July to 05 August 2021. The validated model assesses the thermal performance throughout the summer period using standard weather file of Marrakech, known as Typical Meteorological Year representing statistically the meteorological variations over at least 10 years. The results analysis shows that the implementation of 40 mm layer of white gravel on the roof of the cell-test has a remarkable effect on the indoor air temperature and air conditioning energy loads. Indeed, the indoor air temperature was reduced by about 8.31 °C and the total energy gain by around 42.94 kWh/m² was observed, during this summer period.

Published on: September 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-035
Citation: Hassnaoui AE, Boukhattem L, Sakami S, Nouh FA, Benhamou B. 2023. Energy Performance Study of Passive Cooling Technique Applied to the Roof of a Test Cell in Marrakech Climate. NanoWorld J 9(S2): S201-S205.

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