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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

A New Approach for Reinforcing the Pavement Subjected to Solicitations and Admissible Deformations

Omar Ben Charhi and Khadija Baba


Roads play a crucial role in the transportation of goods and people. Improving the road network is a key element of territorial upgrading strategies. The development and modernization of this network acts as a catalyst for socio-economic development and promotes regional and local integration. Analysis of existing roads has revealed that repeated use by heavy vehicles causes damage to road surfaces, primarily through the formation of transverse cracks resulting from thermal shrinkage of the asphalt concrete. Moreover, these cracks allow water penetration, leading to further damage and reduced ride comfort. Various principles and numerous methods are employed for pavement strengthening, which can be categorized into two groups: the first category utilizes the concept of residual pavement, while the second category relies on deformation data. The residual method measures the bearing capacity of the soil under worst-case conditions beneath the existing pavement and estimates the equivalent pavement thickness. The second category of reinforcement involves measuring the deflection of a flexible pavement under a heavy wheel load. These methods were initially developed abroad and faced challenges when adapting to the Moroccan context. In this study, we present a novel approach for reinforcing pavement structures. The methodology employed in this new method allows for synthesis and leads to a design that considers the influence of various parameters that determine the reinforcement solution.

Published on: September 25, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s2-019
Citation: Charhi OB and Baba K. 2023. A New Approach for Reinforcing the Pavement Subjected to Solicitations and Admissible Deformations. NanoWorld J 9(S2): S107-S114.

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