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Ranking Factors Influencing Construction and Demolition Waste Generation in Companies of Defined Size Based on Surveys: The Case from the United Arab Emirates

Marta Bialko


Construction and demolition (C & D) waste management have been the subject of numerous scientific research, yet it is still challenging to put expert knowledge into reality. There is still a gap between theory and practice. The author assumed that if there are problems with the theory’s implementation, studying the population of construction workers and their actions can provide a solution. This paper aims to evaluate and rank factors that affect the C & D waste generation in construction companies and how they relate to company size. The research was based on 140 surveys conducted in Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) among construction companies. Companies were divided into 5 groups depending on the number of employees. Factors influencing the C & D waste generation were divided into those occurring in the design phase, construction phase, related to the management of construction products, and work culture. The methodology was divided into two parts: (1) Ranking the factors using central tendency and dispersion, and (2) Examining the relationship between the size of a company and the assessment of the impact of factors on waste generation using the Kruskal Wallis test and post hoc Dunn’s test. The analysis of the ranking of all factors shows that factors related to work culture were rated the highest and factors related to product management were rated as having the lowest impact on C & D waste production. The statistically significant difference in assessing the factors’ impact on waste generation depending on the size of a company was confirmed for 19 factors out of 30 examined. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the effects of implementing strategies to reduce construction waste are better understood by workers in larger companies than those in smaller ones. It is hypothesized that factors related to finance and education influence employee awareness. To raise awareness, it is necessary, among other things, to support smaller companies in raising awareness of the negative impact of waste on the environment, to have a waste management plan and to train employees in C & D waste management.

Published on: June 07, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-116
Citation: Bialko M. 2023. Ranking Factors Influencing Construction and Demolition Waste Generation in Companies of Defined Size Based on Surveys: The Case from the United Arab Emirates. NanoWorld J 9(2): 43-54.

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