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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Experimental Methods of Friction Evaluation in Bulk Metal Forming Processes – An Overview

Sambit Kumar Mohapatra, Vikas Ranjan, Rahul, Pushkar Jha, Asit Behera and Kamal Kishore Joshi


In different manufacturing sectors, specifically in metal forming processes, friction plays a vital role in achieving better quality products, maintaining good die life and consuming lesser energy etcetera. Friction in metal forming process depends on various factors like relative velocity, local temperature, contact pressure, contact surface topography, surface contaminations, oxidations and so on. The friction phenomenon is widely investigated since the eighteenth century; still, there are no established techniques to evaluate it by addressing all the factors. For quantitative estimation of load in forming industries through numerical and analytical solutions, the constant shear friction model has been widely utilized. This review article summarizes some of the widely used techniques to evaluate tool-workpiece interface friction. Ring compression test, uniaxial cylinder compression test, T-shape compression test, the combination of extrusion friction test, and double-backward extrusion test methodologies are discussed here. The initial two methodologies suit low deformation condition processes whereas others are preferred for techniques inducing huge deformation.

Published on: May 28, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-133
Citation: Mohapatra SK, Ranjan V, Rahul, Jha P, Behera A, et al. 2023. Experimental Methods of Friction Evaluation in Bulk Metal Forming Processes – An Overview. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S699-S704.

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