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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Static and Free Vibration Properties of Functionally Graded Thin Plates Incorporating a Single Edge Crack and Under Uniaxial Static Loading Conditions

Gowtham H and Shashank V


The current study performs static and free vibration analysis of a functionally graded (FG) plate made of Aluminium-Silicon Carbide (Al SiC) with an edge crack. A material gradation based on a linear power-law is considered along the plate thickness. The effects of changing the percentage of SiC gradation and varying crack angles on deformation, stress intensity factor (K), and natural frequencies are investigated. It is observed that with increase in percentage gradation of SiC in FG plate, the values of K and natural frequency increase but the deformation decreases. The results of the FG plate are validated using analytical and experimental results from the literature and compared to those of an isotropic Aluminum alloy Al 2014-T6 plate. It is also observed that FG plates have lower deformation and K values than Aluminum alloy Al 2014-T6 plates, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Published on: May 15, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-111
Citation: Gowtham H, Shashank V. 2023. Static and Free Vibration Properties of Functionally Graded Thin Plates Incorporating a Single Edge Crack and Under Uniaxial Static Loading Conditions. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S577-S581.

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