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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Nonlinear Transient Analysis of the Plate with Active Constrained 0-3 Viscoelastic Composite Layer Using Fractional Order Derivative Model

Abhay Gupta, Rajidi Shashidhar Reddy , B.M. Girish and Nitish Gupta


In this article, the nonlinear transient analysis of plate with active constrained 0-3 viscoelastic composite (VEC) layer is done. The ascendancy of the structural plate on hybrid damping control is analyzed. For the analysis, initially, closed loop finite element (FE) modelling was done using von Kármán nonlinearity, layer wise first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT), and velocity feedback control strategy. The viscoelastic material (VEM) phase within 0-3 VEC is modelled using the fractional order derivative (FOD) method. To study the ascendancy of 0-3 VEC, initially, nonlinear transient responses of structural plate are determined at several geometric parameters of 0-3 VEC. The observations from the results acknowledge that the geometric parameters of 0-3 VEC affect the attenuation in vibration-amplitude. Thus, optimal geometric parameters of 0-3 VEC are estimated according to the utmost performance index. The results indicate that the active constrained 0-3 VEC may be advantageous compared to conventional VEM to control the geometrically nonlinear vibrations of structural plate.

Published on: May 05, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-098
Citation: Gupta A, Reddy RS, Girish BM, Gupta N. 2023. Nonlinear Transient Analysis of the Plate with Active Constrained 0-3 Viscoelastic Composite Layer Using Fractional Order Derivative Model. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S508-S512.

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