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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Thermal Analysis of Laser Trepan Drilling of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Plate

Surendra K. Saini, Avanish K. Dubey and Ajay K. Maurya


Attributes of Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) ceramic like toughness and wear resistance make it robust material over other ceramics. It is mainly used to make parts for medical, cutting tools and aerospace industries. Laser trepan drilling (LTD) is found suitable advanced machining process for circular cutting in difficult-to-cut materials. But being a thermal energy-based process, thermal analysis is essential in order to get uniform hole shape and size with temperature and stress field history. The present research paper investigates numerical study for LTD of 6.0 mm thick ZTA plate. The effect of pulse width, pulse frequency, and trepanning speed on temperature and von Mises stress has been studied.

Published on: April 25, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-084

Citation: Saini SK, Dubey AK, Maurya AK. 2023. Thermal Analysis of Laser Trepan Drilling of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Plate. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S440-S443.

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