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  Scopus ID: 21100926589

Experimental Analysis on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Using Lemongrass Biodiesel and TiO2 Nano Additives Blends

Priyankesh Kumar, Prashant Saini, Devesh Kumar, Ravi Shankar, Gaurav Yadav and Jeeoot Singh


The performance and emissions of a 4-S, single-cylinder, water-cooled diesel engine employing diesel and its various blending combinations with LGO and TiO2 nano additive are evaluated experimentally. LGO is extracted by Soxhlet equipment from lemongrass (renewable, sustainable, and ecofriendly) and biodiesel is prepared through transesterification. The several BMs of diesel and LGB with TiO2 additives are termed LGB20, LGB20TiO2 25ppm, LGB20TiO2 50ppm, LGB20TiO2 75ppm, and LGB20TiO2 100ppm and their qualities are tested according to ASTM standards. By varying the load ranges from 0 – 5 kg the primary engine performance metrics such BSFC, BTE, and EGT as well as emissions such as NOx, HC, CO, and CO2 are analyzed. The obtained results demonstrate that LGB20TiO2 100ppm is the best performer, with a BTE approaching that of diesel fuel. The recovered LGO appears to be a diesel substitute for energy generation in the future.

Published on: April 22, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-081
Citation: Kumar P, Saini P, Kumar D, Shankar R, Yadav G, et al. 2023. Experimental Analysis on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Using Lemongrass Biodiesel and TiO2 Nano Additives Blends. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S419-S424.

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