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Dimensional Variation Analysis in Vehicle Design and Development: A World Class Quality Assurance Method

Vinay Kumar Singh, Rahul Kumar, Ved Prakash Dewangan, Mukesh Sharma and Abhishek Yadu


In Vehicle Development process, Dimensional Management is used as a preventive quality assurance method to ensure fulfilment of aesthetic and functional requirements to meet the world class quality standards. This makes it possible to eliminate potential issues at the initial stage of the product design and optimizing the geometrical robustness of the design. In this paper, we have demonstrated a Dimensional Variation Analysis (DVA) use case to understand the DVA simulation methodology for reducing dimensional variation as well as a study on the root cause variation by introducing the Fitment Failure Analysis (FFA) process. It is performed at system level and its effects are observed at vehicle level. We have also explained the geometrical tolerance effects arising from assembly to vehicle packaging points to meet vehicle layout and piping, wire, and tube packaging requirements in all affected vehicles as per DMU guidelines. An issue from Vehicle DMU review feedback of exhaust system assembly has been chosen to perform DVA simulation.

Published on: April 19, 2023
doi: 10.17756/nwj.2023-s1-058
Citation: Singh VK, Kumar R, Dewangan VP, Sharma M, Yadu A. 2023. Dimensional Variation Analysis in Vehicle Design and Development: A World Class Quality Assurance Method. NanoWorld J 9(S1): S296-S301.

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